Musings on design

This blog is about design, an integral part of the print publication industry. But as all journalists know, the industry is undergoing rapid change. And design is not immune. In fact, the design aspect probably has some of the hardest obstacles to overcome.

Design has to grab people’s attention. Not many people are interested in a physical copy of the newspaper any more. (Magazines are a different story.) So design has to offer something different from what people will have already found online.

Even if this means withholding some information from the original online story, I think it’s worth it. Just enough information for an infographic that goes into print but not online will do the trick.

However, if that is not an option its possible to use what was already online to present the package differently. Online, the user can decide what is most important. Take for example an image gallery. The viewer online can view pictures as they choose. In print, the designer chooses which pictures run.

These are good for different reasons. When a viewer can decide what to view it leaves them feeling in control. When a designer chooses which pictures run prominently in the paper, they decide for the viewer what might be most important.

In combination, I think the print paper accompanied by an online supplement (allowing designers/writers to show what is most important but also allowing viewers a chance to do so themselves) is a great system. As long as the print stays around.

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